Its like having your own, personal on-demand labor network just for you and your business!
WorkBlast works right out of the box. No credit card. No company meetings. No on-boarding sessions or training. And no integrations of any kind.
- Organize your staff into different pools based on department, position, or skill set.
- Easily offer up a shift/gig to the entire pool or just specific people.
- The first person to claim the shift, gets it.
- Request up to 100 workers for a single shift, and the offer will remain open until all slots are filled.
- Control access to the pool and decide who is allowed to offer shifts.
- Approve or reject trades between workers.
- No more calling co-workers, one-by-one, begging for someone to cover your shift.
- With the push of a button, you can offer your shift to everyone who is qualified to cover it, even people you dont like or have never even met.
- Optionally offer a bonus incentive for someone to cover your shift.
- If manager approval is required, they will be notified automatically.